All posts by: admin

by in knowledge Base

How Graphic Design Can Help Your Business

A company’s image is one of the most significant aspects of its business. It attracts customers, retains them, and defines the nature of the company.An effective image is built with the good graphic design. Yet many businesses neglect its importance, consigning it to the lower ranks in priority. The consequence too often is that the […]

by in knowledge Base

Top Software Testing Myths

Software testing is the process of evaluating a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Also to assess the feature of A software item. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process.These are the top 5 software testing misconceptions and myths (in no particular order) that are plaguing our modern […]

by in knowledge Base

Tips to Enhance Software Testing Efficiency

These are some of the tips on software testing practices that help us to make our software testing more effective. Simply saying ‘we do software testing’ does not magically make your software better or even your testing procedures correct and optimized. After all, you will learn these testing practices by experience, so let’s learn what […]

by in knowledge Base

Benefits of Responsive Web Design

Responsive design is a web design and development method that creates a site or system that reacts to the size of a user’s screen. Responsive design will optimize a user’s browsing experience by forming a flexible and responsive web page, optimized for the device that is retrieving it. Increasing use of the internet and proliferation […]

by in knowledge Base

Why Content Marketing is Important in Digital Marketing

Like other organizations, your business is like wrestling with a merging of changes that are upsetting the familiar tactics you’ve always used to communicate with prospects and customers. Growing demographic diversity, the adoption of interactive technologies, and developing media consumption habits have improved how consumers get information and how they observe branded communication messages. As […]

by in knowledge Base

Ways to Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

As digital marketers have moved further into 2018, it has become clear that consumers are more widespread than ever. Thanks to the ever-present smartphone consumers can be everywhere at once. With social media platforms, apps, websites, and so on, there is a myriad of techniques consumers interact with brands online. For digital marketers, this means more techniques […]

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